Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sept 09'09

Today is 9/9/9!!!! did you know that?? And 9 is my favorite number......FYI. Not that I am superstitious or anything but those who know me closely .....what has inspired in last two days...sometimes makes you ponder though.....

Ok on to two topics -

First - did you hear that Sarah Palin (former "I-can-see-Russia-from-here -Governess) is auctioning off a dinner with her and her husband (aka "former first dude") at 25K a piece - as a starting bid on eBay?? I am like "What!!!!! - For Real??" And on top of that Mr. Karl Rove - you know the Bush's "Evil Doer" also joine the melee - with him attending a breakfast with a winning bidder starting at $7.5K a piece......if you got that kind of chunk change that is..... I was going to write some funny one liners but no need - read some of the comments in CNN.....

"Thanks - but no thanks"
"Did your hear Cheney is in the gig too...wining bidder goes to hunting with him"
"This is joke right??"
"You've got to be kidding me"
"Breakfast with Rove and dinner with can't make this stuff up"

And BTW last time I checked the number of bids on Sarah Palin's auction : Zero!!!!

Now on to second point - I heard an iditoic argument from a local conservative radio talk show host - Jason Lewis yesterday. But from these right-wing nuts what do you expect!!! He was rippin' about how college education has gotten so expensive over the years and the people who go for sociology and other liberal arts degree are not useful in society when they graduate. And he wenn on that more people should get a vocational training because they can find jobs easier in this economy.

While I agree about uncontrolled price hike in colleges and universities in recent years - he misses the point about higher education. Three arguments!!!

First, there is something to be said about college graduate vs. someone who just got a vocational training. Right out of high school I might add. Remember - "little knowledge is a very dangerous thing"??

Secondly - In a given mass of population there are some who will naturally go into these fields either by choice or becasue 0f their intellect (or lack there of I should say) - if there is such thing as population intellect histogram I am sure you will agree that you will not find everyone cut out to be a doctor, scientist or an engineer. So I don't see the need to pester the point that more people need to go to vocational and technical schools.

And lastly - society can only take so much of these vocational and hands on dudes (...and dudettes) - that will yearn to fix your car or clean your teeth or fix the roofs. In my opnion these are just jobs to "maintain" a society not to "lead" them - like pioneering breakthroughs in medicine, energy and space exploration - for that you need lot of doctors, engineers, scientists and may be......just may be... some sociologists as well.......

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"Harmony & Contrast!! - all beauty comes from these two"